How do I set up my scent device?


After installing your scent system via Bluetooth, the hardest part is over! Now you can easily set how much scent the system should disperse and on which days and times, down to the minute!

  1. Open the PHUESE app and go to the scent system overview.
  2. Select the scent system you want to set up.
  3. Click on the schedule overview to link or create a schedule.
  4. Use the slider to adjust the intensity.
  5. To activate your scent system outside the scheduled times, use the Boost button.
  6. Your scent system is now set up for an optimal scent experience!

Sense System

You have installed your scent device and connected it to your desired WiFi network. The hardest part is over! Now you can easily set how much scent your scent device should spread and at what days and times. Accurate to the minute! 

  1. In your My Sense Device app, go to the scent device overview. 
  2. Choose the scent device you want to set up.
  3. Click on the desired schedule or press 'create schedule' and create a new schedule. 
  4. Select the desired days and times that you want to spread your scent.
  5. Select the desired scent intensity with the slider. 

Now you can spread your scent exactly when and as much as you want to! Are you more of an image thinker? Then watch our instructional video to set up your scent device.